Back in my day, I used to play basketball a lot. Basketball was my sport while I was in my prime. So I’m playing casually and going for a re-bound, when someone who we will call “Justin” decided he wanted the re-bound too. As any competitive player would do, I did the first thing that came to mind that would stop him. I broke his ankle. I jumped on his foot, shattering his ankle and even his dreams of being a tennis star. After listening to his high-pitched crying and moans of pain and woe, my guilt got the best of me, and I apologized. To this day he never apologized for when I tripped trying to break his ankle. Jerk.

Not everyone is as great a person as I though. Some people like say, O.J Simpson, are in-fact very very bad people, and have the morals and conscience of that “Justin” kid. O.J Simpson is a great case to look at. After O.J was suspected of murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Robert Goldman, he did what any innocent man would do. Get a Hostage, a car, and make a run for it of course! Never mind the fact that the prosecution found,
(A) His Glove, (B) his DNA, (C) his Knife, (D) His Hair, (E) His pair of keys, (D) His Blood, (E) Imprint of his Shoes.
You would think this mountain of guilt, both literally and non would have got the truth out of him. No, because O.J pulled “the race-card” and “The Chewbacca theory.” He got away with murder, literally. Then O.J did something a bit odd
O.J- “Yo I’ma gonna publish this book about how I killed Nicole and Robert”
Conscience—“Good you can finally get the truth out there, your doing the right thing”
O.J—“Good point, I meant how I WOULD have killed them, damn I’m clever, no one will suspect a thing.”
Conscience- “I hate you”
I believe that was bit of O.J’s guilt escaping from his conscience. It’s a step in the right direction I guess, but O.J since you seem to be able to escape anything, why not do us all a favor and kill Paris Hitlon? You would get a medal and parade!
Tell me you saw this coming, It’s Macbeth connection time. If you asked me a week ago “Secretary, do you think guilt will come into play in Macbeth?”
I would first promptly stab you many times in the chest for using a “pun” in my presence. I would then answer “most likely no.” I was proven wrong today by Lady Macbeth of all people. Guilt is taking its toll on Lady Macbeth, she seems to be on the brink of insanity. This guilt is going to lead to big things, and we will have to wait and find out. Perhaps it’s “How I WOULD convince my husband to kill King Duncan and become King: The Musical.”