Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Why Everyone Is Wrong and I'm Right

You ever had to sit there and listen to somebody talk for 40 minutes, and you know they’re wrong, but you can’t say anything because you might get in trouble or killed? If you’re “into” that sort of thing, then stop on by my period one class, and sit in on a Socratic seminar.

As you might have guessed, I was tied-up, gagged, and being tortured slowly during today’s seminar. In today’s seminar we (the victims) had to listen to the speakers (torturers) while they discussed “Macbeth.” It was the general questions “Do you like the book,” “Do you like the characters?,” and “Do you like the font Shakespeare choose?” Questions that a5th grader could answer using only 1 syllable words. So I was listening to it, and I decided to try and “piggy-back” on some peoples comments. For example

Someone in the class, who let’s just call “J ”was talking about how Shakespeare language was so hard to understand compared to ours, and it got me thinking(she might like this .) I wonder if in 500 years 10th graders will be reading something we wrote, perhaps “Legally Blonde: The Musical?” (I hear that blonde character has Shakespearean-like qualities, buy your tickets here.)

On top of that, I wonder if like they will be able to like understand us and ummmm like have the patience to like read what we are like saying before like burning everything with the word like in it…like Legally Blonde…like. (Have we like doomed our great grandchildren to this? When’s the last time something Shakespearean was made? Star Wars barely counts)

To finish up what the school mandates me to write about, I did agree with many people such as Dina, and Aalap. I do dis-agree with Alex thought, unless Shakespeare writes in Sherlock Holmes, which I hope he’s above, I doubt “The Case of King Duncan” will ever be solved through detective work, unless “The Witches” are part-time Crime Scene Investigators by day, and scary-manly prophets by night.

Side Note: Macbeth has the most power, the witches just prophesied, not make his choices, If he choose he could kill himself, and I doubt he would get the crown that way.

Then again whatever happened to that “Captain” fellow…hmmm..

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