Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blog: RFID and Hardare

An understanding of hardware would be essential to getting my company off the ground. Having knowledge of hardware will allow to be building my own computers for the company, saving thousands upon thousands of dollars. Simply knowing how much RAM I will need, hard-drive space required, etc etc will make the overall start-up go much smoother and cost-effective then just walking into Staples to buy a over-priced desktop.
Hardware knowledge can also carry over to the development of the software needed for “celljack.” Since many of the components are universal, I am also hoping the knowledge will allow me better ultize the hardware inside the cell-phone for my application.
RFIDS will prove invaluable to my application. Using the specific RFID tags tied to a customer’s login/password information would allow a much easier way of tracking the cell phone. The tags give the application the tracking device needed to begin to find the phone.

1 comment:

bennettk195 said...

Have you considered what specific hardware components are required to develop and support your product?