Friday, October 29, 2010

Blog 7: Operatng Systems and my Future.

Operating Systems and I have always had a bit of an on and off relationship. I was born a Windows Baby into a Windows world, learning the ins and outs of the operating system I thought clearly superior to anything else. Then came along my first Mac, since I was new to it, I couldn’t grasp it as well as windows, but the user-interface seemed much easier and stress free, Finally, open source operating systems, like Linux, logically appear to me as the best bet. No other operating system would allow me to code it and program it to my specifications.

For my company, the decision for what operating system to use would be a very tough one, since it’s a complete annoyance to switch from Windows to a Mac, Mac to Linux,etc etc. As much as I love the potential of Linux, I feel the everyday consumer and even employee would have a very tough time using an Open Source operating system. The Mac operating system appears to be trouble free, but if a Windows-based computer goes down, I believe I’ll have a much much easier time fixing that then I would with a Mac. Therefore, my pick would be Windows Vista (HAHAHA, No, Windows 7 Clearly)

Seeing someone whose been their/done that for the ischool is always a fun experience, especially since the reason I’m here is so I can one day be “That iSchool Guy.” It seems like a job in the IT Industry requires a lot of work, but the pay-off seems to be worth it. Learning this type of cutting edge computer information allows me to see my blog idea as a plausible idea rather then a dream I would have had a year ago.

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