"Paging Governor Spitzer" or should I say Ex-Govna Spitzer. Unless you've been living in a cave the past month, you must have heard of my favorite ex-governor. You see my idol (or ex-idol) Spitzer has been pretty busy lately. Governor Spitzer was the baby of a D.A.R.E Officer, and Mr.Clean(probably). When he was elected to Governor, he cleaned up crime like a professional, nothing got past him, he spit at the thought of crime! This man was so clean you could eat off him. He was even the Attorney General, a very honorable position, held be other noble people such as Alberto Gonzales(not the best example in retrospect)! He never even thought about doing anything illegal....or so we thought!
Governor Spitzer never did anything wrong, until one day…. he spent 15 years with Prostitutes.
er ex-idol Bill Clinton! (I know I’m bad at picking idols, be quiet)
No, not Bill, at least Bill has the decency to go after staff members, and not “gasp” ILLEGAL prostitutes (the worst type of prostitutes, the illegal kind!). Start taking notes Spitzer. He must of done his on his own accord.
In all my grief of writing this, I realized “The Man” probably just wanted a connection to Macbeth, and connection he shall have! I think Macbeth changed his morals because he had power within his grasp. If someone went up to you and went “If you kill that guy with this tissue box, you be Secretary of the Grade!” (Trust me, not worth it, the parties are great, but the meetings are boring) It does not make his decision justifiable though. Macbeth is wrong, and a looser for doing what he did. He jumped to conclusions, and thought killing was the only way. I bet Vonage would love to get their hands on Macbeth……
"The Man" is having a blast reading your blog. Keep up with your voice because it is strong enough to gather a devoted readership. Be careful, you might actually be learning something here.
"Mr. Spitzer never did anything wrong except spend 15 years with prostitutes."
So funny. And I read your other posts too, well done Taylor. Now read my blog lol.
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