Thursday, May 8, 2008

Works of Me Part 2

Hello my loyal fan(s). You'll are probably wondering, "Oh glorious Blogger, where art thou High-Larious blog posts of yours?"

(Sorry about missing, the Socratic Seminar Blog, but I chewed my hands off to keep myself from strangling some of the speakers.)

Well I shall break my vow of silence to announce. Big changes are coming the "The 1080." Huge Changes! Yes, I have hired a crack team of blog-designers, scientists, and mental patients to bring to you all, a new, better, blog. It will feature many out of school blog posts, many of which will change your view of everything you know, and love. Yes, all coming to you my loyal fans, in the future! I shall give you all a hint, a tasty piece, of my new blog. Here it is....Ladies and Gentlemen! I present the new logo of "The 1080."

To also hold you over, I will post my bibliography for my Final Essay for English. Enjoy I guess.

Works Cited

Erin. "Themes of Animal Farm." 8 May 2008      themes-of-animal-farm/>. - - -. "Themes of Animal Farm." 8 May 2008      themes-of-animal-farm/>. 

"George Orwell." Cyber Essays. 8 May 2008 .

Mr.B-G. "Macbeth's Power Role." Weblog entry. 7 Apr. 2008. World Lit 12. 8 May 2008 . <"

Power Corrupts in George Orwell's Animal Farm:." Azete. 8 May 2008

"The Theme of Power in Macbeth". Planet Papers. 8 May 2008

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