Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Works of Me Part 4

What is the question you are answering in your own words?
Does Power corrupt good people?

What is your thesis statement? This sets up the entire paper with your focus and direction. Power corrupts, and turns good people into shells of their former self’s.

What is the topic/idea of this paragraph?
Power turned Napoleon evil.

What quote(s) ideas from research will you use to help prove your points?
a. “Napoleon was fair and just till he gained full power”

b. “Napoleon killed other animals.”

What example(s) from the book(s) will you use to help prove your points?
a. Napoleon is a good. And fair leader at first.

b. Then he oust Snowball, and took over leadership, but took away all fairness.

What is the topic/idea of this paragraph?
Power turned Macbeth Evil

What quote(s) ideas from research will you use to help prove your points?
a.” Macbeth is a hero turned villain”

b. “Macbeth killed his best friend”

What example(s) from the book(s) will you use to help prove your points?
a. Macbeth is a hero in the first act of the novel.

b. Macbeth kills the king, and takes the power for himself, and becomes corrupt with power.

What is the topic/idea of this paragraph?
Why Napoleon changed.

What quote(s) ideas from research will you use to help prove your points?
a. “Napoleon tried to kill Snowball”

b. “Napoleon wanted all the perks of being a humn.”

What example(s) from the book(s) will you use to help prove your points?
a. He was greedy for power.

b. He wanted the perks.

What is the topic/idea of this paragraph?
Why Macbeth Changed

What quote(s) ideas from research will you use to help prove your points?
a. “Macbeth’s wife wanted the power for herself, and pressured Macbeth into doing it.

b. “Macbeth was guided by a god-like prophets.

What example(s) from the book(s) will you use to help prove your points?
a. His wife forced him.

b. the prophets told him too.

What should we now understand after reading your paper? Where idea(s) does your paper lead to?
a. The Greed For Power is too much.

b. All Good people fall to power.

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