The idea of cell-jack stimulated from many stressful nights of looking for my phone, which I hope I’m not the only one who is experiencing this odd pheonoem of never remembering where my phone is. I felt the idea was too simple and too convent for it not to be made already, and when I found out my idea had not yet been taken yet I decided to jump on it. The idea was in my head well before I had any idea of this blog, let alone the school.
The IST195 blog project was actually my first taste of a legit college product, and I can only hope the rest is like this. I love the idea of using what I learned in the classroom and applying it in the real world in a plausible way. It’s one thing to learn about computers and technology, but it gets a whole lot better once we start to figure out how we can actually USE this knowledge in the real world to give us an advantage.
The idea of making this product a reality is not even that far-fetched of an idea. First and foremost I would need capital for my business, talking strictly about start-up money. At the very first-stage of this product I could imagine a small crew of 4-5 fellow students who are knowledgeable in their respectful fields, such as coding, programming, etc etc. The software would probably need to be purchased online, but at this stage in the game I feel the hardware we have will be ample.
Once we have a product worth showing off, that’s when I expect the company and idea to take flight. Hopefully the idea impresses and wows a few investors and we are finally able to get some more capital. Using this newfound capital I would acquire the office-space and hardware needed to lift the company into the atmosphere of successful businesses.
Being a successful entreueprenuer requires a lot of qualities, you need more then just a good idea. Being a successful one means you have some ability of foresight, to predict where the market is going and where you need to be to meet it head on. You also need character and a passion for your idea, if you can’t convince yourself it’s a good idea, good luck convincing others. The idea itself is good on paper, but the real-world change may make run into some issues.
I can’t imagine anyone and everyone can publish an application if the official stores of Apple, Verizon, etc. I can only hope I’d be able to find a way in, or my product would very likely be left to die. I would also have the issue of advertising it, since the application market is literally flooded with other applications, the idea of getting mine to stand out would be much harder in the real world. The idea of celljack is there, and with the capital and a proper team, I feel I could properly execute their plan.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Blog 7: Operatng Systems and my Future.
Operating Systems and I have always had a bit of an on and off relationship. I was born a Windows Baby into a Windows world, learning the ins and outs of the operating system I thought clearly superior to anything else. Then came along my first Mac, since I was new to it, I couldn’t grasp it as well as windows, but the user-interface seemed much easier and stress free, Finally, open source operating systems, like Linux, logically appear to me as the best bet. No other operating system would allow me to code it and program it to my specifications.
For my company, the decision for what operating system to use would be a very tough one, since it’s a complete annoyance to switch from Windows to a Mac, Mac to Linux,etc etc. As much as I love the potential of Linux, I feel the everyday consumer and even employee would have a very tough time using an Open Source operating system. The Mac operating system appears to be trouble free, but if a Windows-based computer goes down, I believe I’ll have a much much easier time fixing that then I would with a Mac. Therefore, my pick would be Windows Vista (HAHAHA, No, Windows 7 Clearly)
Seeing someone whose been their/done that for the ischool is always a fun experience, especially since the reason I’m here is so I can one day be “That iSchool Guy.” It seems like a job in the IT Industry requires a lot of work, but the pay-off seems to be worth it. Learning this type of cutting edge computer information allows me to see my blog idea as a plausible idea rather then a dream I would have had a year ago.
For my company, the decision for what operating system to use would be a very tough one, since it’s a complete annoyance to switch from Windows to a Mac, Mac to Linux,etc etc. As much as I love the potential of Linux, I feel the everyday consumer and even employee would have a very tough time using an Open Source operating system. The Mac operating system appears to be trouble free, but if a Windows-based computer goes down, I believe I’ll have a much much easier time fixing that then I would with a Mac. Therefore, my pick would be Windows Vista (HAHAHA, No, Windows 7 Clearly)
Seeing someone whose been their/done that for the ischool is always a fun experience, especially since the reason I’m here is so I can one day be “That iSchool Guy.” It seems like a job in the IT Industry requires a lot of work, but the pay-off seems to be worth it. Learning this type of cutting edge computer information allows me to see my blog idea as a plausible idea rather then a dream I would have had a year ago.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Blog #6: Computer Forensics and Identity Theft
Identity theft is such a big issue in today’s society that I believe literally every single individual business must see this as an issue and deal with it. Identity theft could cause customers to completely lose faith in a product and stop buying it. A company who can be held responsible for not preventing identity theft would also be torn apart by the media and the public.
I would hope my application would use the official Apple App store, Verizon store, or the cell-phone carrier’s official store. These stores should be protected against identify fraud I’d think (and hope), so I’d expect this to help cut down on my worries on identify fraud. As a business owner, if I weren’t protected by the official store, would probably hire my own expert, since I find it to be that big of an issue.
Computer forensics I could only really see coming into play if my data was to all be lost. If my hard-drives/servers of customer data were to fail or get damaged, I’d most certainly need an expert to retrieve that data. The expert would hopefully be able to get the data back off the broken hard-drive so I wouldn’t lose any data.
I would hope my application would use the official Apple App store, Verizon store, or the cell-phone carrier’s official store. These stores should be protected against identify fraud I’d think (and hope), so I’d expect this to help cut down on my worries on identify fraud. As a business owner, if I weren’t protected by the official store, would probably hire my own expert, since I find it to be that big of an issue.
Computer forensics I could only really see coming into play if my data was to all be lost. If my hard-drives/servers of customer data were to fail or get damaged, I’d most certainly need an expert to retrieve that data. The expert would hopefully be able to get the data back off the broken hard-drive so I wouldn’t lose any data.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Blog #5 (sorry for delay, rest on the way)
Since my idea is mainly formed in the cell-phone market, and with the high possibility of a phone using a .mp3 or .wav file for a ring-tone it is very good that I know this information. The application that I would have installed on these phones would need a ring-tone activation program in it, so the user could find their phone by sound. The program would have to lessen memory used as to save battery life.
This may be possible by converting the file if it’s .wav to .mp3, making the memory accessed and energy required to access that memory lower. As an added feature the application may have a built-in converter when just in regular use. I would have the application do the conversion between the two while the phone still had plenty of battery.
With all the business I “hope” to be doing, I’ll need a spot to store all my data. Using my knowledge of memory and computer storage I should be able to find a way to optimally and cost efficiently save all my data. Having basic knowledge of ASCII and UNICODE will also be beneficial when coding the website .
This may be possible by converting the file if it’s .wav to .mp3, making the memory accessed and energy required to access that memory lower. As an added feature the application may have a built-in converter when just in regular use. I would have the application do the conversion between the two while the phone still had plenty of battery.
With all the business I “hope” to be doing, I’ll need a spot to store all my data. Using my knowledge of memory and computer storage I should be able to find a way to optimally and cost efficiently save all my data. Having basic knowledge of ASCII and UNICODE will also be beneficial when coding the website .
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Blog: RFID and Hardare
An understanding of hardware would be essential to getting my company off the ground. Having knowledge of hardware will allow to be building my own computers for the company, saving thousands upon thousands of dollars. Simply knowing how much RAM I will need, hard-drive space required, etc etc will make the overall start-up go much smoother and cost-effective then just walking into Staples to buy a over-priced desktop.
Hardware knowledge can also carry over to the development of the software needed for “celljack.” Since many of the components are universal, I am also hoping the knowledge will allow me better ultize the hardware inside the cell-phone for my application.
RFIDS will prove invaluable to my application. Using the specific RFID tags tied to a customer’s login/password information would allow a much easier way of tracking the cell phone. The tags give the application the tracking device needed to begin to find the phone.
Hardware knowledge can also carry over to the development of the software needed for “celljack.” Since many of the components are universal, I am also hoping the knowledge will allow me better ultize the hardware inside the cell-phone for my application.
RFIDS will prove invaluable to my application. Using the specific RFID tags tied to a customer’s login/password information would allow a much easier way of tracking the cell phone. The tags give the application the tracking device needed to begin to find the phone.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Blog : Flashing Lights and Graphs
There is no better program to keep a business organized then Microsoft Excel I believe. No other program can keep track of so many things in such a fluid and easy manner. A company that can master Excel can both be extremely organized internally, but also will be able to externally show the company through graphs and charts. Excel will help keep my business out of the red, with a system of Budget Alerts and Budget Surpluses to keep the fiances in check. As long as someone in the company is keeping Excel updated, we will be able to observe/adjust the money allocation accordingly.
Using Graphs and charts in a persuasive and professional manner will allow the company to accomplish many of our goals. The first of which would be getting some capital via investors. Using numbers and figures we will be able to show our investors why our company is needed, and where we are going. The power of excel can be used in an extremely beneficial way for Cell-Jack.
A flashy website is key to attracting any remote interest in our company and it’s services. Using the skills we learned about colors and coding websites I will be able to make a nicely colored, engaging, and professional website that will attract both teenagers and businessmen alike. The website will consist of many sleek, colorful metallic like colors that offer a contemporary feeling. I will also be able to use these colors for the application itself, using the colors to signal how much battery life is left and such.
Using Graphs and charts in a persuasive and professional manner will allow the company to accomplish many of our goals. The first of which would be getting some capital via investors. Using numbers and figures we will be able to show our investors why our company is needed, and where we are going. The power of excel can be used in an extremely beneficial way for Cell-Jack.
A flashy website is key to attracting any remote interest in our company and it’s services. Using the skills we learned about colors and coding websites I will be able to make a nicely colored, engaging, and professional website that will attract both teenagers and businessmen alike. The website will consist of many sleek, colorful metallic like colors that offer a contemporary feeling. I will also be able to use these colors for the application itself, using the colors to signal how much battery life is left and such.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Blog #2: Online Payment and Twitter
The very foundation of the cell-jack service would be heavily based around the cell phone carrier's application store. The application would be a featured product in the Apple App Store, the Droid App Store, and other popular cell phone services. Using the app store will save the company a lot of hassle in dealing with the many other problems We would aim to get the service featured immediately in the application store.
If for some reason we had to use a web-based procedure of selling our service, I would first and foremost set up my own personal domain website. Secondly I would at first use Paypal to get the product off the ground then once the product got moving and I could get a "mass quantities" discount from another service. I believe both of these plans would work very well, but with the application store getting the majority of the sales.
Using viral social media, it would be possible to secretly advertise the product without spending millions on an ad campaign. Using such tactics as "The Last Excorisms's chat-roulette" and " Youtube's Axe Body Spray Guy" we could get the idea of the product out to millions with a very low cost. If we did have excess money though, using Twitter as a advertisement for both viral and direct purposes would be useful. Secretly, we could flood twitter with good stories and praise of our product, while directly we could pay a famous celebrity such as Kanye West to post a shout-out to our product to his millions of followers. Using Social Media and web-based paying process will help Cell-Jack take off in the market.
If for some reason we had to use a web-based procedure of selling our service, I would first and foremost set up my own personal domain website. Secondly I would at first use Paypal to get the product off the ground then once the product got moving and I could get a "mass quantities" discount from another service. I believe both of these plans would work very well, but with the application store getting the majority of the sales.
Using viral social media, it would be possible to secretly advertise the product without spending millions on an ad campaign. Using such tactics as "The Last Excorisms's chat-roulette" and " Youtube's Axe Body Spray Guy" we could get the idea of the product out to millions with a very low cost. If we did have excess money though, using Twitter as a advertisement for both viral and direct purposes would be useful. Secretly, we could flood twitter with good stories and praise of our product, while directly we could pay a famous celebrity such as Kanye West to post a shout-out to our product to his millions of followers. Using Social Media and web-based paying process will help Cell-Jack take off in the market.
Friday, September 3, 2010
The Idea: Cell-Jack
In today's modern world, every man and women is tethered to this earth by a piece of hardware no bigger then a computer mouse. This hardware is vastly important to a vast amount of people for many reasons. It's used for business, pleasure, family, and without it one could consider themselves utterly disconnected from the world around them. I'm of course talking about the "cell-phone", and my idea will take away any worries of losing or misplacing it.
The idea is I would invent a "Lo-Jack" for the cell-phone. The "Lo-Jack" for the computer allows one to track down a lost or stolen computer, even allowing one to delete the data off it so it cannot be viewed or stolen. The "Cell-Jack" would be installed like an App, with every installation having it's own unique login/password for the "Cell-Jack" website. If a cell-phone is misplaced or stolen, you would just log onto the site where their will be many options. Some of these options will be simply activating the GPS beacon if battery is left, deleting personal data, locking the phone, or activating a battery reserve in case the phone dies.
The idea is I would invent a "Lo-Jack" for the cell-phone. The "Lo-Jack" for the computer allows one to track down a lost or stolen computer, even allowing one to delete the data off it so it cannot be viewed or stolen. The "Cell-Jack" would be installed like an App, with every installation having it's own unique login/password for the "Cell-Jack" website. If a cell-phone is misplaced or stolen, you would just log onto the site where their will be many options. Some of these options will be simply activating the GPS beacon if battery is left, deleting personal data, locking the phone, or activating a battery reserve in case the phone dies.
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